Personalize the cell format

  • Thread starter Alain Langelier
  • Start date

Alain Langelier

I had a personalized cell format in my Excel sheet, but
not that i have a french version, this format is not yet
available. the only thing that i can do is to copy a cell
with this format and paste it in the new spreadsheet. Is
there a solution to have it always in the default choice...

Dave Peterson

Those custom formats travel with the workbook.

One way to make sure that all your new workbooks have this custom format is to
create a Book.xlt (template workbook). Store it in your XLStart folder.

In fact, you can specify everything you want new workbooks to have when they're

Margins/page layout (portrait or landscape)/headers/footers and custom number

Apply your custom format to a cell in one of the worksheets in book.xlt.

Then delete that column.

Save your book.xlt and try it out.

close excel
restart excel
click on that New Icon (under the excel icon adjacent to the File|Edit toolbar)

(this won't help existing workbooks, though.)

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