Perspective shadows in PowerPoint 2007



I am writing some VBA code that copies a shadow from one shape to another.
Here's a snippet of the code:

object.Shadow.Style = base.Shadow.Style
object.Shadow.ForeColor = base.Shadow.ForeColor
object.Shadow.Transparency = base.Shadow.Transparency
object.Shadow.Size = base.Shadow.Size
object.Shadow.Blur = base.Shadow.Blur
object.Shadow.OffsetX = base.Shadow.OffsetX
object.Shadow.OffsetY = base.Shadow.OffsetY

This seems to work fine for all shadows, except any of the 5 perspective
shadow presets (for example, perspective diagonal upper left).

Is there any way to check for these (Shadow.Style and Shadow.Type do not do
the trick) and apply them programmatically to another shape?


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