Pesky Ckeckboxes !



I have some data in a data table, left most column is an
id column, I have a form with a texbox, a button, and 10
checkboxes in a frame, (checkbox1 to checkbox10),
I want to be able to enter an id in the textbox on the
form then use this to lookup the 10 values for the
checkboxes, I have set up an array that will hold the 10
values, (0 or 1), I want to have a loop that matches the
10 values in the array to the 10 checkboxes, so that they
show as ticked or unticked if there is a 1 or a 0 in the
array.... I have looked at it every way I can but im not
getting very far, I could always write a line of code for
each checkbox, but that would be the get it done
mentality rather than the do it properly mentality...

Any help much appreciated !!!

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