PgUp PgDn Not Working



(Access 2002)

Hi, All!

Have a form, frmColumns, that is opened as dialog from an open dialog form.
(This makes 3 forms open, frmMain, frmFormat and the new one frmColumns.)
Included in the open are both a filter and open args:

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmColumns", , , "[jobNum] = " & Me.jobNum, _
, acDialog, Me.colID

The open arg is the record ID that I want to display from the filtered set
and it is located as follows in frmColumns:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim myArgs As String

myArgs = Nz(Me.OpenArgs, "")
If myArgs > "" Then
DoCmd.FindRecord CLng(myArgs)
End If


End Sub

The command opens a filtered set and locates the correct record. Only
problem is that the PgUp and PgDn keys don't work. The form won't go to the
previous or next record.

All of the filtered records are there...I can use the record navigator at
the bottom to move up or down, just not PgUp or PgDn.

The kicker: When I open the form as normal (not dialog), PgUp and PgDn work
fine. Of course, the newly-opened form is useless because it's hidden behind
the previous dialog form. (I closed the previous dialog to test.)

Thinking there was something in the object code, I created a blank database
and imported all of the objects into it. Same result.

Can anyone tell me what's going on? More importantly, how can I fix?


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