"Phantom" Project & Queue Issues

  • Thread starter Sebastian Cordoba
  • Start date

Sebastian Cordoba

Hi guys.

I really need your help. This is my issue: A user tried to save his project
and then he closed it. I don´t know what he did, the point is that the saving
process remained in "getting queued" state, moreover it appeared checked-out
by the user. Because of that, we were not able to access the project using
Project Professional (didn't appear on the Open list).

Then, I cancelled the job in the queue, but we still can't see the project
from Project Pro; BUT if I go to "Delete Enterprise Objects" I can't see it
on the list as a "New Project" (not a Project). I also tried to force

So, WHERE is that project located? wich database? what should I do to
recover it?


Sebastian Cordoba


....Then, I cancelled the job in the queue, but I can't see the project
yet using Project Pro. Despite this, if I go to "Delete Enterprise Objects"
I CAN see it
on the list as a "New Project". I also tried to force check-in and didn't

So, WHERE is that project located? wich database? what should I do to
recover it?

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


Can you open this from the user's machine? If the save function didn't
process, the only record of the latest changes would be in the user's local
cache. If you can't force the checkin from PWA, you may need to flip a bit
in the database. Let's try to recover the latest version first.


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
For Project Server Consulting: http://www.msprojectexperts.com
For Project Server FAQS: http://www.projectserverexperts.com

Sebastian Cordoba

Hi Gary.

Unfortunately, the user cleaned-up his cache. We couldn't find the project
there. So, What should I do? Which database should I query?

By the way, I'd like to know the reasons to get a "Check-in Pending" status,
which is very usual for me.

Thanks for your help.

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


Checkin pending would occur if the project was in the queue for save and
publish. Are your users exiting from the application in a hurry? Are they
waiting to see the save and publish complete? You can force the check in
operation and try opening the project again.


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
For Project Server Consulting: http://www.msprojectexperts.com
For Project Server FAQS: http://www.projectserverexperts.com

Sebastian Cordoba

Hi Gary, thanks for answering.

Apparently, this user exited from the apllication too fast. But I would like
to know: how much time does the user have to wait for a proper exiting
process? it depends on the size of the project? (I mean, the file size)

On the other hand, the project ain't checked-out, that's why I can't force
check-in. As I told you before, the ONLY place where I can "see" this project
is in the "Delete Enterprise Objects" list and in the column "Type" it has
the value "New Project".
According to that, what can you suggest me? how do I recover it?

Thanks again.

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