Phantom sentences


David Grossman

I have had the V.x version of Office...Word...for about a year and half and
I have noticed that I have phantom sentences that show up quite frequently.
These sentences are usually cut in half horizontally and they are below the
actual sentence. To get rid of the phantom sentence I usually click before
it and hit delete.

I would like to know what is causing this and how to get rid of it. I have
also reloaded the software a few times with no luck. I have downloaded what
I think is the most recent version of Office updates and my Word says it is
V.x service release 1.

Any ideas?

Beth Rosengard

Hi Dave,

What is your OS? You should be at 10.1.5 or (preferably) 10.2.6.

Does this happen with all documents or just some in particular?

When you reloaded Office, did you first use the removal tool to uninstall
it? If not, you did not get a clean reinstall and may have left corrupt
files behind. In that case you should do the removal/reinstall again as

The Remove Office tool is located in the Value Pack folder on the Office X
CD. Install it and run it. Also don't forget to install any Value Pack
items you need. Now reinstall Office X using the installer on the CD or do
a Drag & Drop to the Applications folder. When you've finished, you'll need
to download (<>) and install the
Office X 10.1.2 & 10.1.4 updaters.

Hope this helps.

Beth Rosengard

Mac Word FAQ: <>
Entourage Help Page: <>


Are the sentences actually there? I.e. do they print, save, etc.? I
sometimes get behaviour similar to you describe: half-height lines
appearing below real ones. But it's just a screw up with the display,
i.e. there's no need to delete it, just scroll up and down or go into
page view or something and it will be gone. This has happened only
since I upgraded to Jaguar. But it's been too minor an annoyance --
particularly on the scale of Word annoyances! -- for me to bother
trying to sort it out!
Cheers, Andy

Daniel Cohen

Andy said:
I sometimes get behaviour similar to you describe: half-height lines
appearing below real ones. But it's just a screw up with the display,

That's my experience too.

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