Phone number format



In the contact of my Outlook 2003, the phone number format is default to
+xxx (xxxx) xxxx. We do not have area code and would like to remove the
format of brackets. My MS pda phone is working correctly but once I synch
with Outlook and the format is incorrect as above. Is there any
configuration to adjust it?




From the format of the example you give, I'll assume you are talking about
Hong Kong phone numbers.

What version of Outlook are you using? Outlook 2003 will format HK numbers
correctly as +852 nnnnnnnn, with no area code. But I have heard that earlier
versions have a problem with HK numbers, incorrectly showing the first four
digits of the subscriber number as an area code, that is: +852 (aaaa) nnnn.


Sorry, I overlooked that you are using OL2003. But as mentioned in the
previous posting, the formatting does seem to work with this version. Do you
perhaps have contact info that was originally entered using a previous
version of Outlook? That would account for it.

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