photo albums


Silver Fox


I want to create photo album on my web page. What i would like to do is
exactly how windows xp has their my picture folder layout. i want to create
folders inside my photo album where i can a certain pictures to certain
folders. What is the best way doing this? i've tried suing the photo gallery
feature but all it did for me is add pictures to the page, not in a folder
where a memeber can click onto.

Thanks in advance

Trevor Lawrence

Silver Fox said:

I want to create photo album on my web page. What i would like to do is
exactly how windows xp has their my picture folder layout. i want to
folders inside my photo album where i can a certain pictures to certain
folders. What is the best way doing this? i've tried suing the photo
feature but all it did for me is add pictures to the page, not in a folder
where a memeber can click onto.

Thanks in advance

Try using the free JAlbum

I have used it for a club website

Go to Picture Album and see whether this is something like what you want

Silver Fox

Thanks Trevor,
this is exactly what i am looking for but i need it to be part of my club
page ( i am using frontpage 2003),not a seperate web page. it doesn't have to
be anything fancy or stuff.

Andrew Murray

JAlbum creates the basic HTML page with the thumbnails and links, but it's
left up to you to embellish the page(s) with your sites design (using a
dynamic web template for example). I think there are other JAlbum themes
and designs that you can choose, other than the particular design in the
example Trevor provided.

Perhaps Irfanview might help, but I don't know if it produces the photo
albums inthe same way (as a separate page) as JAlbum.

Trevor Lawrence

Silver Fox said:
Thanks Trevor,
this is exactly what i am looking for but i need it to be part of my club
page ( i am using frontpage 2003),not a seperate web page. it doesn't have
be anything fancy or stuff.

Silver Fox,
See Andrew's reply

Also, I am not sure what you mean by "not a separate page".

If you want the links to each album on the main page them just place the
code there rather than, as I did, in the page "Picture Album"

The code is straightforward.
The classes "pad" and "edge" (which are not essential) can be placed in the
<head> section
<style type='text/css'>
..edge { border: 1px solid black;}
..pad tr td { padding: 1%;}

The links are to the files created by Jalbum.

This is (part of) the code which is placed in the <body> section

<table class="pad">
<td class="edge">
<a href="AEC buses/album/index.html">AEC Buses</a></td>
<td class="edge">
<a href="AOA Buses/album/index.html">AOA Buses</a></td>
<!-- more rows in here -->

Use the Code or HTML view to insert this code where you want it

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