Photo capture from Access



I want to take a picture from my webcam or digital camera
and have the picture saved as Jpeg with a filename chosen
by the user from a table in my Access database. I want to
use just one button to do the whole thing, rather than
saving to disk, change the file name and go back to Access.

I understand that TWAIN is the way to go but I can't find
any documentation or sample codes to get me going.

I also tried to use the Kodak Activex but got no further.
Help was looking for Imgocxd.hlp, which I can't find

Can anyone help with either TWAIN or Kodak to solve this

many thanks

Kevin Witty

I've been looking for the same thing for a couple of weeks now,
George, with no luck, Hope someone here can help.



When the user selects the folder Copy a JPG to that folder
with the filename you want
Shell "msPaint c:\myJunk\c.jpg"
This user will have only to aquire the image and when
asked to save click ok

When you reopen a form with pic linked to c:\myjunk\c.jpg
you will see the pic they saved.
I think Make sure the oleUnbound control is not locked so
it updates.
For more advanced methods you will need
either automation
windows API
to know when the application closes etc.


Thank you Timbuck2

However, I don't think that I understand your
instructions. What folder are we talking about? How does
msPaint get involved in this? I can't acquire from
msPaint. As for Logitech webcam, it doesn't give me the
option to enter a filename, I have to go and change the
filename later.

One way that I thought of, was to use the Kodakimg.exe but
I don't have any help on it. I can open it from Access
but I can't pass information to it, such as, new filename.
Is Kodakimg.exe part of the OLE automation? If so, does
anyone have sample code on how to drive it or help file
for Kodakimg.

many thanks

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