Wally S
This is not a Front Page issue, but since the subject of photo editors comes
up so often here, I thought I would mention this. On the following link, you
will find the same photo reduced from 2592 X 1944 px to 750 X 562 px in
Paintshop Pro 8 (top) and Photoshop Elements 2 (bottom).
http://www.dipika.org/~exp/paintsh_photosh_compare.htm The photos are
large, so it may take some time to download.
IMHO, the Photoshop version is noticeably higher in quality, even though the
Paintshop version is a slightly larger file. I picked this photo because it
was this photo that made me notice that Paintshop Pro does not give you the
quality that you get with Photoshop Elements. This is a disappontment for me
because PSP is so smooth to work with and has great color-enhancement
features. But if the ultimate goal is quality, then Photoshop Elements has
it. Look at the light reflections on the lower lip, the outline of the nose,
and the fine jewels on the turban. I did not do any kind of enhancement on
either version, just a reduction in size.
Wally S
up so often here, I thought I would mention this. On the following link, you
will find the same photo reduced from 2592 X 1944 px to 750 X 562 px in
Paintshop Pro 8 (top) and Photoshop Elements 2 (bottom).
http://www.dipika.org/~exp/paintsh_photosh_compare.htm The photos are
large, so it may take some time to download.
IMHO, the Photoshop version is noticeably higher in quality, even though the
Paintshop version is a slightly larger file. I picked this photo because it
was this photo that made me notice that Paintshop Pro does not give you the
quality that you get with Photoshop Elements. This is a disappontment for me
because PSP is so smooth to work with and has great color-enhancement
features. But if the ultimate goal is quality, then Photoshop Elements has
it. Look at the light reflections on the lower lip, the outline of the nose,
and the fine jewels on the turban. I did not do any kind of enhancement on
either version, just a reduction in size.
Wally S