Photo form on tab control


Frank Situmorang


I still try to work on developping my church membership database. I have
created the photo form on which I have a field of Record number, Imagapath
and full name ( this is based on a grid query and I created a callculated
field to have a full name).

I joined membership table with this photo table with one to one as the
linking filed is Record no. of (primary key) with Rec. NO of photo table
(primary key)

I already have the membership form and on the detail I put a tab control on
page 1 I put the general information, and on 2nd tab I put the subform using
the photoform

My question is, how can we make it if we move(navigate) the record in the
tab 1 , tthe phtoto subform also is moved ,

Sorry I have a problem of language in expressing our problem, but waht I
mean is we see the same record, say the general info of Mr. A and we see the
photo of Mr. A in the 2nd tab.

How can I link between this membership table so that when we have add a
record for the new member, it will automatically add the new record number in
photosubform(2nd tab), so I can use this page also to update the imagepath. I
do not need to go to photo form anymore.

Thank you verymuch for any idea and God bless,

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