Photo Gallery Number of Images



In Photo Gallery properties "Layout" there is 4 choices with "Vertical
Layout" being one of them. Is there a limit as to how many photos there can
be? When I try to put more than 33 photos it will not display them unless I
choose "Montage" which does not allow me to put a description. Is there any
other Photo Gallery I can use besides the one that comes with Frontpage ?


Thank You for your quick response & pointing me in the right direction.
Its my first time here.
I didnt notice that there were 192 pages & I was just reading the 1st.
I will be going thru the list as I have many questions.


E. T. Culling said:
You should look at many previous posts. I hope this article will help:
33 is probably too many thumbnails on a page ... too slow to load.
Read this also:

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