Once you decide on which skin in JAlbum you want to use, you will generate
your album into a folder *outside* of FP (outside of your web). You will
probably end up generating the album several (or more

times until you
are happy with how it looks/works. When you're happy you will IMPORT the
entire folder INTO your FP web (from within FP).
Then create a link to the index page of the album folder from one of your
| Thanks. I am downloading JAlbum, and I will give it a shot.
| Phil
| "Trevor L." wrote:
| > Phil wrote:
| > > Can I import other photo galleries into Frontpage? I have a website
| > > designed and I am happy with everything, minus this issue. Thanks.
| >
| > I know that I said that I will leave this to others, BUT ---
| >
| > I have read that you can use JAlbum. While I have downloaded it and had
| > bit of a play with it, I haven't used it for a gallery. But many say it
| > works beautifully
| >
| > Another option is to set up a page of thumbnails and link each to
| > HTML page. For this I use spawnJimcoPopup.
| > e.g. for each image:
| > <a href="nojsmess.html" target="_self"
| > onclick="function spawnJimcoPopup('trevor.hmtl', '_blank'
| > ,
| >
| > , h, w, 'center', '0', 'pixel');return false;">
| > <img src="trevor.jpg" alt="" title='Click to see a larger picture'
| > height="80" />
| > </a>
| >
| > "nojsmess.html" is a file which you can set up with info to display if
| > Javascript is not enabled on the visitor's browser. It called on return
| > false
| >
| > In this example, 'trevor.jpg' is the image to display as a thumbnail.
| > 'trevor.hmtl' would be the HTML page which you set up with a background
| > which contains
| > <img src="trevor.jpg" alt="" title="" />
| >
| > This is function spawnJimcoPopup (slightly amended with thanks to Jim
| > Cheshire). It should be placed in the <head> section or in an external
| > file.
| > function spawnJimcoPopup(url, name, options, h, w, x, y, scaleType)
| > {
| > var newWindow
| > if (scaleType == 'percent')
| > { h = (h * screen.availHeight) / 100
| > w = (w * screen.availWidth) / 100 }
| > if (x == 'center')
| > x = (screen.availWidth - w) / 2
| > if (y == 'center')
| > y = (screen.availHeight - h) / 2
| > options += ',width=' + w + ',height=' + h
| > + ',left=' + x + ',top=' + y
| > newWindow = window.open(url, name, options)
| > newWindow.focus()
| > }
| >
| > The options to set in spawnJimcoPopup are
| > h The height of the window in pixels or percent
| > w The width of the window in pixels or percent
| > x The positon of the window from the left in pixels or
| > word 'center'
| > y The positon of the window from the top in pixels or the
| > word 'center'
| > scaleType If 'percent' then h and w are percentage of the screen height
| > width. Any other value will use pixels for h and w
| >
| > I have actually implemneted this on my website (but it doesn't work in
| > Firefox) with a few differences. One is that rather than calling a
| > HTML file for each image, I call one HTML file, named "picture.html" and
| > parameters to the call for the name of the file e.g. "trevor.html" and a
| > caption. The file "picture.html" then does all the work of adding a
| > background, displaying the image and adding the caption.
| > --
| > Cheers,
| > Trevor Lawrence
| > [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > MVPS Website:
| > ----------------------------------------
| >
| >