photo gallery problems



Hello! Warning...I'm new to FrontPage and websites in general. I'm a
jewelry designer and I am trying to create a website to display my stuff.
Anyway, I created a site which includes three pages of gallery pictures.
Everything looked great when I previewed it in the browser, but when I
published the site, only 1 of the 3 galleries were working. The 2 that were
not working displayed:
[photogallery/photo00020757/real.htm] and
[photogallery/photo00005926/real.htm]where the galleries were supposed to be
displayed. Can anyone help me resolve this problem??? I've tried everything
and can't seem to figure out the problem. I didn't do anything differently
on the pages that didn't work as opposed to the page that did work....

FYI- my site is and my server is Yahoo if
you want to take a look....

Any help is greatly appreciated!!!!

Trevor L.

mmm524 said:
Hello! Warning...I'm new to FrontPage and websites in general. I'm a
jewelry designer and I am trying to create a website to display my
stuff. Anyway, I created a site which includes three pages of gallery
pictures. Everything looked great when I previewed it in the browser,
but when I published the site, only 1 of the 3 galleries were
working. The 2 that were not working displayed:
[photogallery/photo00020757/real.htm] and
[photogallery/photo00005926/real.htm]where the galleries were
supposed to be displayed. Can anyone help me resolve this problem???
I've tried everything and can't seem to figure out the problem. I
didn't do anything differently on the pages that didn't work as
opposed to the page that did work....

FYI- my site is and my server is
Yahoo if you want to take a look....

Any help is greatly appreciated!!!!

Well, I am not so new - 18 months. But on advice from the experts here, I no
longer use the FP photogallery

That doesn't help you, so I have had a look.

This file is missing from your website
(and the other)

I would think that there is meant to be a folder
containing real.htm and other files and they did not get uploaded.

Is this folder present on your local hard disk?
If so, can you try publishing again?

If not, then we need to find why not
Here, I hand over to the experts. I hope you get a reply from them if you
need it


Thanks for your reply....I definitely agree that the file containing the
gallery didn't upload, but my problem is trying to get it uploaded. All the
info is there and the code is correct, so I assume it's just a link problem.
Anyway, I've tried everything from re-doing the entire gallery to making a
new page using the gallery that worked and yet nothing has been successful.
I've also tried to republish the individual gallery and the page just
duplicates w/in itself on the page and still shows the same message... If
only if were as simple as an upload button!!!

Trevor L. said:
mmm524 said:
Hello! Warning...I'm new to FrontPage and websites in general. I'm a
jewelry designer and I am trying to create a website to display my
stuff. Anyway, I created a site which includes three pages of gallery
pictures. Everything looked great when I previewed it in the browser,
but when I published the site, only 1 of the 3 galleries were
working. The 2 that were not working displayed:
[photogallery/photo00020757/real.htm] and
[photogallery/photo00005926/real.htm]where the galleries were
supposed to be displayed. Can anyone help me resolve this problem???
I've tried everything and can't seem to figure out the problem. I
didn't do anything differently on the pages that didn't work as
opposed to the page that did work....

FYI- my site is and my server is
Yahoo if you want to take a look....

Any help is greatly appreciated!!!!

Well, I am not so new - 18 months. But on advice from the experts here, I no
longer use the FP photogallery

That doesn't help you, so I have had a look.

This file is missing from your website
(and the other)

I would think that there is meant to be a folder
containing real.htm and other files and they did not get uploaded.

Is this folder present on your local hard disk?
If so, can you try publishing again?

If not, then we need to find why not
Here, I hand over to the experts. I hope you get a reply from them if you
need it


mmm524 said:
Thanks for your reply....I definitely agree that the file containing the
gallery didn't upload, but my problem is trying to get it uploaded.

Yep - that's the bug alright.. those two links want to open up a page
each - but the pages don't exist ~ not uploaded.

What problem are you having in uploading these two html pages, and
presumable their associated images, where there was no problem
uploading the other pages?
How are you uploading? what using? FP I guess.....
I got an ftp program called " 3dftp ", it's just my preference....
but regardless - you got the other pages up ok - do the same with these
last two pages, and detail what if any problems your having, it should
be easily sorted ~ Ha~ yeah right..! but give detail when you give it
a go.. and one way or another.. we can assist in sorting it out.
3 folders to the html folder "photogallery", sub folder
"photo00009852, htm-> real.htm
does that sound right?
But the link on the page (Original Necklaces) want to open up..
I'm wondering if perhaps we have a misnamed image?
is "originalnecklaces.htm " the Page --- and ...
photogallery/photo00009852/real.htm ~ umm.. should not be the
images to display on the page ? should not be an htm file perhaps a
..jpg ? or just photo00009852.jpg ??
think maybe there might be a file naming err here somewhere perhaps....
htm ~ jgp ~ gif ???? ?? and maybe even folder name err's ..... bring
the page up in FP, and check it all over ,
are you opening up "originalnecklaces.htm" or some page with the
name real.htm ??? ......

check it out.. and come back with more info on the structure... pages
and their names, folders where images are kept, etc etc....
and we'l take it from there. :)

Steve Easton

The most common error with photo galleries is not importing the images to a
location inside of a web "before" creating the gallery.

It's best to always create a new empty folder in a web for each gallery, (
example: rings, watches, bracelets etc ) import the images to the
respective folder and then with the folder open in folder view click File >
New and create the new photo gallery, and save the page to the respective

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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