Photo Gallery Thumbnails Not Visible on Site


Dave Usher

(Using Frontpage 2002)

My site,, has two photo galleries.
This one:
publishes OK, including thumbnails.

This one does not publish with thumbnails, instead showing
icons which, when clicked, display the photos:

I don't understand why or how to fix this. Can anyone help?

Thanks. I'm not an HTML jockey, but can edit the HTML if
someone can steer me in the right direction.



Mark Fitzpatrick

It looks like the HTML is correct. The directories to contain the thumbnails
in the second gallery exist, it's jut the thumbnails themselves that don't.

Make sure that the photogallery/photo26821 directory is getting published
properly. It just appears that there aren't any files in that one. The other
one (photogalelry/photo23497) has the thumbs. Could it be that the
thumbnails were accidentally published to a different directory like images?

Hope this helps,
Mark Fitzpatrick
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

Dave Usher

Success! I republished the FrontPage folder containing the
thumbnails. Thanks so much, Mark, for your guidance. You
are an MVP...for certain.

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