Every version of Office offers you some type of Picture Manager. In MOS
2003 the picture manager is named Picture Manager and it's part of Office
Tools--Start>Programs>Microsoft Office>Microsoft Office Tools. If you also
reinstall your Photo Editor from Office XP Tools then it's
Start>Programs>Microsoft Office Tools:
About Picture Manager in MOS 2003
Managing Files with MOS 2003 Picture Manager
You can easily reinstall your Office XP Photo Editor concomitantly. I have
had people say that is a violation of my licensing agreement when I posted
it--aka EULA-- and I think this hardly to be the case, although I haven't
drilled West Law. Microsoft does have a KB instructing this and I figure
why would they if it were a EULA violation?:
MSKB 817095: MS Photo Editor is Removed When You Install MOS 2003
MSKB 827471: Previous Office Programs and Tools Are Still Installed After
You Install Office 2003 *In this case you will opt to install Office XP
tools if you want them both*
Chad Harris