Using Publisher 2003, when I print a page with photos, each photo print as a
series of strips, where each strip is a distorted version of the photo. For
example, an embedded 4x6 photo prints as six contiguous 2/3" x 6" photos,
each a copy of the original but 1/6 as tall. I am printing the page using
8.5x11 borderless. Is there some setting that I have wrong or is there a bug
in Publisher?
series of strips, where each strip is a distorted version of the photo. For
example, an embedded 4x6 photo prints as six contiguous 2/3" x 6" photos,
each a copy of the original but 1/6 as tall. I am printing the page using
8.5x11 borderless. Is there some setting that I have wrong or is there a bug
in Publisher?