Photos in a table



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

I want to insert photos in a table, but they never exactly match into the cells, however I try, there's always a little bit of white around the photo. I changed the format of the picture and the table in every way possible, but it doesn't work.
What can I do?

John McGhie

You need to "Unfloat" both the table and the pictures :)

Then the pictures will drop into the table cells.

Currently, your Tables have their "Text Wrapping" (in Table>Properties...)
set to "Around". That means the table is floating in the graphics layer.

Chances are, your pictures also have their wrapping property set to
something other than "Inline with text". In which case, they're floating

The reason the pix won't go in the cells is because the two are floating
independently, they never physically "touch" each other.

Set the Table wrapping to "None" and the picture wrapping to "Inline with
text." This means the Table is where you expect it to be -- in the text
layer, and the pictures are behaving like a very large character, which can
be inserted into a paragraph, or in this case, into a table cell.

A Word document is like a sandwich: the text layer is the filling, and there
are two "graphics" layers in place of the bread: one "in front of the text"
and one "behind the text".

Hope this helps

Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

I want to insert photos in a table, but they never exactly match into the
cells, however I try, there's always a little bit of white around the photo. I
changed the format of the picture and the table in every way possible, but it
doesn't work.
What can I do?


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Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac
Nhulunbuy, NT, Australia. mailto:[email protected]


Setting Table wrapping to "None" and picture wrapping to "Inline with text" doesn' t help. It worked in earlier versions, but not in Office for Mac 2008. Anyway, I can't even print it out, I can' t see the pictures, only the table on the printout. And also I can't save it as a "doc"-document for earlier versions to print it out on my old PC (XP). When I try, "word" always breaks down and starts new.
I hope there will be an update to end this mistakes soon.

John McGhie

There will be no update to fix this. Sad to say, this one is "user error"

Your description is almost certainly due to a corrupt document. It is not
difficult to corrupt a document if you are hacking and chopping in tables.

Make sure that in Preferences>Print you have "Drawing objects" enabled.

But chances are that document is beyond saving. You need to do a Maggie:

1. Create a new blank document
2. Carefully select all of the text in the bad document EXCEPT the last
paragraph mark
3. Copy it.
4. Paste in the new document.
5. Save under a new file name and close all, then re-open.

This technique for de-corrupting is known as "Doing a 'Maggie'", after
Margaret Secara from the Word PC-L mailing list who first publicised the


Setting Table wrapping to "None" and picture wrapping to "Inline with text"
doesn' t help. It worked in earlier versions, but not in Office for Mac 2008.
Anyway, I can't even print it out, I can' t see the pictures, only the table
on the printout. And also I can't save it as a "doc"-document for earlier
versions to print it out on my old PC (XP). When I try, "word" always breaks
down and starts new.
I hope there will be an update to end this mistakes soon.


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Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac
Nhulunbuy, NT, Australia. mailto:[email protected]


Sad to say, this is certainly no "user error". "Drawing objects" are enabled, of course. Doing a "maggie" doesn't help. I can't even see the pictures in the preview. After doing a "maggie", word ended, once again, sending a report to microsoft, like it does for weeks.
No update to fix this? Can I have my money back?

John McGhie

Yep :) Definitely user error :) Sorry, but nobody else has the problem.

If you email me one of those documents, I will see if I can tell you what
you are doing wrong.


Sad to say, this is certainly no "user error". "Drawing objects" are enabled,
of course. Doing a "maggie" doesn't help. I can't even see the pictures in the
preview. After doing a "maggie", word ended, once again, sending a report to
microsoft, like it does for weeks.
No update to fix this? Can I have my money back?


Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac
Nhulunbuy, NT, Australia. mailto:[email protected]


I finally found out myself, why and when pictures in tables are not visible in the preview and in the printout. I usually correct the height of the lines of the table at the end of my work, so that the table exactly fits in the page. (In this case, a list of 25 names and in the next column the photos of them.) It always worked fine this way, and I know any version of word from the very beginning in the eighties! But in word:mac it doesn't work this way, so I could still see the pictures on the screen, but when I printed it out, there were no photos. The reason is: you must not set the height of a line to certain heigth and choose „Exactly" (in German: „genau"), but leave it to „at least" (in German: "mindestens"). If you set it to exactly, and the photo is only a millimeter bigger than the heigth of the line, the photo will disappear from the preview and the printout. In earlier versions of word you can see parts of the photos, that are only cut of a bit. word:mac „cuts off" the whole picture, but still shows it to you on the screen. So if you want to exactly fit the table in the page, you have to toggle between normal view and print-preview to find out, if it is okay. Strange. No other version of word does it.
And this is definitely no „user error“, Mister McGhie, this is, well, find out yourself, what it is.
What about the other „error“, that word always breaks down, when I try to save my „docx“-files as a „doc“-file? User error?
Now I wonder, if it might have been an error to have stayed with Microsoft Office after changing to a MAC. I also heard about the unpolite support, that is immediately shouting „user error“, if you just have a little problem. Well, I must think about that ...

John McGhie

And this is definitely no „user error“, Mister McGhie, this is, well, find out
yourself, what it is.

{Shrieks of laughter} Yes, you are right. This is no ordinary user error.
This is an obvious, and embarrassing, user error!

You set the line height too small to display the pictures -- then spent a
week in here trying to blame Word! (Line height works exactly the same in
Word 2008 as it has in every version of Word for the past 20 years...)

I would have kept quiet about it, if I were you :)
What about the other „error“, that word always breaks down, when I try to save
my „docx“-files as a „doc“-file? User error?

No, that one's a bug :)
Now I wonder, if it might have been an error to have stayed with Microsoft
Office after changing to a MAC. I also heard about the unpolite support, that
is immediately shouting „user error“, if you just have a little problem. Well,
I must think about that ...

If you want to pay Microsoft $50.00 to call them on the Telephone, then I am
sure they will be unfailingly polite to you. They are also unlikely to
solve your problem (in my experience).

In here, you are talking to fellow users. And if you describe your problem
fully and accurately, and if you don't try to blame your errors on Word or
your fellow users, then you will get a warm welcome from your peers in here

Hope this helps


Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac
Nhulunbuy, NT, Australia. mailto:[email protected]

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