Photos in reports



Currently have in Ecess 2000 a table with photos and
merge this into reports of members and membership form.
Upgraded to 2002 and the photos will work in the
membership form but not in reports.

Larry Linson

There are multiple ways to handle images in Access. "will not work" isn't
very specific. Perhaps you could clarify exactly what happens and how you
are handling them.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP


In Access 2000 the photos are in a table as an OLE Object
in a JPG format. and the other field is a member ID #.
This is merged with the member table to obtain the member
info and picture.

On the form the photo is placed in a Bound Object frame.
This works in Access 2000 and 2002..

In the report in Access the photo is also in a Bound
Object Frame and works in 2000 but not in 2002.

The file is not converted to 2002 yet and if I run it on
another computer that has Access 2000 installed, it work

Larry Linson

In Access 2000 the photos are
in a table as an OLE Object
in a JPG format. and the other field
is a member ID #. This is merged
with the member table to obtain the
member info and picture.

On the form the photo is placed in a
Bound Object frame. This works in
Access 2000 and 2002..

In the report in Access the photo is
also in a Bound Object Frame and
works in 2000 but not in 2002.

I don't know what to advise, because printing a .jpg photo stored in an OLE
object via a bound Object Frame works for me in Access 2002.

However, whenever you use an OLE Object and a Bound Object Fram, you "put
yourself at the mercy" of whatever automation-enabled image processing
software is registered for the file-type. Could it be that the two machines
you tested do not have the same program associated with .JPG?

Or, take a look at the sample databases at, which
illustrate three approaches to handling images in Access (no reports,
though) and consider using one of the other approaches. If you do, however,
first visit MVP Stephen Lebans site, specifically

Here's what Stephen had to say about it:

" is an Access97 MDB containing a report that fails during
the Access formatting process prior to being spooled to the Printer Driver.

This MDB also contains code showing how to convert the contents of the Image
control to a Bitmap file prior to printing. This helps alleviate the 'Out of
Memory' error that can popup when printing image intensive reports."

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP


I will not be able to try these until the middle of next
week. I let you know if it helps
-----Original Message-----

I don't know what to advise, because printing a .jpg photo stored in an OLE
object via a bound Object Frame works for me in Access 2002.

However, whenever you use an OLE Object and a Bound Object Fram, you "put
yourself at the mercy" of whatever automation-enabled image processing
software is registered for the file-type. Could it be that the two machines
you tested do not have the same program associated with .JPG?

Or, take a look at the sample databases at, which


I was able to solve the problem this morning. I installed
a Office Graphics Filters and MS photo editor from the
installation disk and everything worked.


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