Photo's pasted into word


John C


I am new to office 2007 and have to replace some photos contained in a
previous version of word, and i believe these photos are in a frame. So the
instruction to replace the photos says use Paint Pot but in my version of
word I cannot find that operation. Any help or advice will be appreciated

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Well, your instructions are not entirely nonsense but not terribly helpful.
"Paint Pot" probably refers to the Recolor button (in the Adjust group on
the contextual Picture Tools | Format tab), which won't replace the picture
but will change its color. To actually replace the picture, you can use
Change Picture (in that same group).

The trick in dealing with a framed picture, however, is to make sure you
have the picture selected rather than the frame. If you can't grab the
picture alone, you have (at least) two options:

1. Select the picture, press Right Arrow to get to the right of it, and
press Spacebar. Once the frame contains a space as well as the picture, you
should be able to select the picture without the frame.

2. Double-click on the hashed frame border to open the Frame dialog and use
Remove Frame. You don't need a frame (or text box) to wrap text around a
picture in recent versions of Word; you can set the wrapping on the picture

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

John C

Thanks Suzanne

I have found out how to do it now ...ubder Format ..shape fill ( paint pot)
...i could replace the picture...thanks for your response
John C ...Manchester

Suzanne S. Barnhill said:
Well, your instructions are not entirely nonsense but not terribly helpful.
"Paint Pot" probably refers to the Recolor button (in the Adjust group on
the contextual Picture Tools | Format tab), which won't replace the picture
but will change its color. To actually replace the picture, you can use
Change Picture (in that same group).

The trick in dealing with a framed picture, however, is to make sure you
have the picture selected rather than the frame. If you can't grab the
picture alone, you have (at least) two options:

1. Select the picture, press Right Arrow to get to the right of it, and
press Spacebar. Once the frame contains a space as well as the picture, you
should be able to select the picture without the frame.

2. Double-click on the hashed frame border to open the Frame dialog and use
Remove Frame. You don't need a frame (or text box) to wrap text around a
picture in recent versions of Word; you can set the wrapping on the picture

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Ah, I started out thinking about the Fill Color button but forgot about Fill
Effects | Picture, which of course makes sense.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

John C said:
Thanks Suzanne

I have found out how to do it now ...ubder Format ..shape fill ( paint
..i could replace the picture...thanks for your response

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