PHP Database



I want to use FP to edit a web site that uses a PHP database. I am advised
that FP will rip the code for PHP without some modifications.

I found this article in the FP help file:

It indicates that I can make some modifications to FP (using 2003) and then
FP will be compatible with PHP. My questions is: Will these technical
modifications to settings in FP 2003 effect the other standard web sites that
I have created using FP?

Any help will be appreciated.


PHP database? Do you mean a PHP form handler that stores data in a

The modifications in that article may affect editing your other sites. If
the other sites have components that use FrontPage extensions (forms, hit
counters, custom link bars, etc.) then these components cannot be edited or
added to, and may fail.

In my opinion, setting Page Options to disable FrontPage extensions is not
necessary, *provided* you, and any other editors involved, remember that FP
components requiring the extensions will not work in a PHP page. FrontPage
will not check this for you.

A similar argument applies to disabling ASP and asp.NET.

The other changes will have no affect on non-PHP pages or sites.

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