Scott T
Hello everybody!
I am writing a utility that extracts data from our databases and generates
an excel spreadsheet with PIA. I have almost all of it working, except I
cannot find documentation ANYWHERE on how to freeze a column, so that it is
always displayed, no matter the scroll position.
I could do this with the old CarlosAG 2003-XML generator, but I needed
graphing capabilities so I am using PIA for this project. As it is all
Microsoft technology, it really seems to me that there should be a way to
script such a commonly requested/required feature. My configuration is below.
OS: WXP Pro 2002 (32-bit) SP2
Environment: MS VS2005 SP1 Pro. (C#)
Excel Interop (for E2007)
Microsoft Office (Excel) Standard VLK 2007
Thank you very much
I am writing a utility that extracts data from our databases and generates
an excel spreadsheet with PIA. I have almost all of it working, except I
cannot find documentation ANYWHERE on how to freeze a column, so that it is
always displayed, no matter the scroll position.
I could do this with the old CarlosAG 2003-XML generator, but I needed
graphing capabilities so I am using PIA for this project. As it is all
Microsoft technology, it really seems to me that there should be a way to
script such a commonly requested/required feature. My configuration is below.
OS: WXP Pro 2002 (32-bit) SP2
Environment: MS VS2005 SP1 Pro. (C#)
Excel Interop (for E2007)
Microsoft Office (Excel) Standard VLK 2007
Thank you very much