This is probably a stupid question but i have not used alot of sql statements
in the past, where would this fit into my sql statement.
SELECT tblSales.chrJobname, tblLiftspec.chrLiftNoID,
tblLifttype.chrLiftType, tblLiftspec.chrLiftref,
Pre_Production_SiteSurvey.[Scheduled Week No],
Pre_Production_SiteSurvey.[Completed Week], Pre_Production_SiteSurvey.[Survey
By], Pre_Production_SiteSurvey.Paperwork, tblLiftspec.SiteDeliveryDate,
tblLiftspec.chrManLiftNo, tblSales.chrJobNoID,
Pre_Production_SiteSurvey.DateLogged, Pre_Production_SiteSurvey.UserLogged,
tblLiftspec.chrLiftNoID, tblSales.blnHandoverComplete,
FROM (((Pre_Production_SiteSurvey RIGHT JOIN tblLiftspec ON
Pre_Production_SiteSurvey.chrLiftNoID = tblLiftspec.chrLiftNoID) RIGHT JOIN
tblSales ON tblLiftspec.chrJobNoID = tblSales.chrJobNoID) LEFT JOIN
tblInstallLog ON tblLiftspec.chrLiftNoID = tblInstallLog.chrLiftNoID) LEFT
JOIN tblLifttype ON tblLiftspec.lngLifttypeID = tblLifttype.lngLifttypeID
WHERE (((tblSales.chrJobname) Like "*" & [Forms]![Site Survey - Pre
Production All Jobs]![txtJobName] & "*") AND ((tblLiftspec.chrLiftNoID)<>"")
AND ((tblLifttype.chrLiftType)<>"Stairlift") AND
((Pre_Production_SiteSurvey.[Scheduled Week No]) Is Null Or
(Pre_Production_SiteSurvey.[Scheduled Week No]) Like "*" & [Forms]![Site
Survey - Pre Production All Jobs]![txtScheduledWeekNo] & "*") AND
((Pre_Production_SiteSurvey.[Completed Week]) Is Null Or
(Pre_Production_SiteSurvey.[Completed Week]) Like "*" & [Forms]![Site Survey
- Pre Production All Jobs]![txtCompletedWeekNo] & "*") AND
((Pre_Production_SiteSurvey.[Survey By]) Is Null Or
(Pre_Production_SiteSurvey.[Survey By]) Like "*" & [Forms]![Site Survey - Pre
Production All Jobs]![txtSurveyBy] & "*" Or
(Pre_Production_SiteSurvey.[Survey By]) Is Null) AND
((tblLiftspec.SiteDeliveryDate) Is Null Or (tblLiftspec.SiteDeliveryDate)
Like "*" & [Forms]![Site Survey - Pre Production All Jobs]![txtDeliveryDate]
& "*") AND ((tblSales.blnHandoverComplete)=0) AND
((tblInstallLog.dtmActualStartDate) Is Null))
ORDER BY tblSales.chrJobname, tblLiftspec.chrLiftNoID;
Ofer said:
Try using SQL with Top and the amount of records you want for each lift
SELECT [M1].[Installation], [M1].[Lift No], [M1].[Scheduled Week No]
FROM [Table Name] AS M1
WHERE M1.[DateFieldName] In (SELECT Top 2 M2.[Installation]
FROM [Table Name] as M2
WHERE M2.[Lift No] =M1.[Lift No]
ORDER BY M2.[Installation] Desc)
In this SQL it returns 2 last events for each lift, I assume that the
Installation field indicate which are the last records to be inserted to the
\\// Live Long and Prosper \\//
I have a query as shown below in which i need to select the last records
entered by the lift number. At the moment it shows all records entered for
each lift but i only need it to show the last records entered
Installation Lift No Scheduled Week No
99 LC05-0359-04 07-06
98 LC05-0359-03 13-06
97 LC05-0359-02 08-06
96 LC05-0359-01 08-06
63 LC05-0359-04 09-06
62 LC05-0359-03 09-06
61 LC05-0359-02 05-06
60 LC05-0359-01 05-06
What i actually need to see is:
99 LC05-0359-04 07-06
98 LC05-0359-03 13-06
97 LC05-0359-02 08-06
96 LC05-0359-01 08-06
I tried grouping the lift number by the max and last function in the query
but this still shows all the records.
Can anybody help me with this please?????