As posted in your multi-post in .programming
(pl don't multi-post)
Kashyap said:
.. proportional number of items must come from each group
(proportional to the total size of each group)
Here's a formulas model which delivers it ..
Source data as posted assumed in A2:B13
In C2, copied down: =COUNTIF(B$2:B2,B2)
Create the reference weightage table
List the unique names in E2:E4 :
In G2: =F2/SUM(F$2:F$4)
In H2: =SUM(G$2:G2)
Copy F2:H2 down to H4
H2:H4 serves as the cumulative weightage range,
ie the reference for the proportional aspect that is sought
Assume we want to pick 5 ref#s
In J2, copied to J6: =RAND()
In K2, normal ENTER to confirm:
In L2, normal ENTER to confirm:
In M2, normal ENTER to confirm:
Copy K2:M2 down to M6
Some explanations - what's happening:
1. Col J generates the core randomizations
2. Col K then picks up the names based on the cumulative weightage ranges
that the random nums generated in col J fall within
3. Since each name is associated with a number of ref#s, col L serves to
random pick from amongst the ref#s for any particular name, going by the
counts of the ref#s in F2:F4 which is used as the upper limit in randbetween.
Col L randomizes the relative serial numbers for the ref#s associated with
that name.
4. Col M then returns the required final outputs, ie the ref#s based on the
dual criteria randomized in cols K & L
Press F9 to regenerate ..
It is possible that repeat ref#s are generated in the output range as the
number of ref#s associated with each name is quite small in the sample data
(ie the Randbetween's range is small).
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