picking a certain value from a cell



I have in cell E13 "24 for £24"
and cell E14"19"
I want enter a formula in E15"=(E13)-E14"
I want the answer 5.
How can I do that ie pick £24 from the cell E13 and minus 19 in E14.
I think I do clearify the point here.
please help

J.E. McGimpsey

one way:

E15: =--MID(E13,FIND("£",E13)+1,255)-E14

The -- coerces the string returned by the MID() function to a value
from which E14 can be subtracted.



J.E. McGimpsey said:
one way:

E15: =--MID(E13,FIND("£",E13)+1,255)-E14

The -- coerces the string returned by the MID() function to a value
from which E14 can be subtracted.

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