Rich Pasco
Suppose I have a pair of columns giving nicknames and full names, e.g.
John John Q. Public
Bob Robert F. Kennedy
Marty Martin Luther King
Abe Abraham Lincoln
Dick Richard M. Nixon
Is there a worksheet function which will accept the value of a nickname
from one cell along with the location of the above table, and return
the name from the second column corresponding to the matching nickname
in the first column?
E.g. I type "Abe" and the function returns "Abraham Lincoln"?
Seems like there should be, but I can't find it.
- Rich
John John Q. Public
Bob Robert F. Kennedy
Marty Martin Luther King
Abe Abraham Lincoln
Dick Richard M. Nixon
Is there a worksheet function which will accept the value of a nickname
from one cell along with the location of the above table, and return
the name from the second column corresponding to the matching nickname
in the first column?
E.g. I type "Abe" and the function returns "Abraham Lincoln"?
Seems like there should be, but I can't find it.
- Rich