Picking up info from completed mail merge document



Hi there,

When I do a mail merge, I merge to a separate document and save that doc.

Is there any way I can add a macro that picks up the second line of the
address and could put the info in a table in a new page at the top of the
doc? I was wondering if I could "mark" the info to be picked up by using a
specific style.

Probably a bit too optimistic about this. I was going to try to do it using
the macro wizard (my level)

Thanks in advance for your help


Helmut Weber

Hi Smudge,

before starting the merge, format the line you need
in a style otherwise not used in the doc,
like "Las Vegas Lights", probably,
but one never knows.

From then on it is a bit too much to ask for.
Do you really want to spoil you merged doc?

If so,
insert a break "Page break" at the start of your doc
count the number of occurences of "Las Vegas Lights".
Insert a table with that number of rows at page 1.

Search again for the specific formatting.
Fill the table which each found text,
whereby the first found text goes into the first cell
of the row number which corresponds to the n-th find.

I ain't that easy.



Hi Helmut,

Thanks for your reply.

I'll go away and play.

I was going to set up a named style (in styles and formatting) with the same
formatting as the rest of the address so that I could use the document as
normal. then the idea was to have maybe a macro that would pick out the names
and orgs that the letter had been sent to - i.e. after letters have been
printed start macro and get a table that can be saved for other users to
havea a quick ref. The datasource (table in word) has a complete list but
many letters just go out to a selection of the addresses so it would neat to
have a record of where the letters went.


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