500 meg book writen in word, has many pics attached. some of the pics were
added from a network drive. got infected with virus, re-loaded operating
systems, and re-configured network settings. now work has major hicups while
trying to add more content to doc. how do I find the paths for the pics, when
word will not let the doc open properly? written in 2003, tried to open in
both 2003 and 2007 ver. thanks for any help.
added from a network drive. got infected with virus, re-loaded operating
systems, and re-configured network settings. now work has major hicups while
trying to add more content to doc. how do I find the paths for the pics, when
word will not let the doc open properly? written in 2003, tried to open in
both 2003 and 2007 ver. thanks for any help.