picture compression settings?


Steve M

I sometimes make use of the "compress" dialog within the "format picture"
menu, to to compress oversized pictures and to reduce ppt file size.
Unfortunately the compression that powerpoint uses sometimes seems a bit too
extreme - too many artifacts, especially around sharp edges in the picture.
Is there a way to adjust the default compression parameters that ppt uses
when one selects this option?


Bill Dilworth

There are 2 levels that can be controlled from the compress pictures dialog.

Print resolution (200 dpi)
Screen resolution (96 dpi)

Are you selecting the print compression?

Steve M

No, screen compression. Print res plus compression only reduces the
filesize by 50% whereas screen res plus compression reduces it by 90% or
more in this situation. I understand that that is the tradeoff - quality
for filesize - however I would like to have a bit more control in tweaking
the compression.

Related question: Does the upcoming ppt v12 address this issie, and give
more control over image compression?


Steve M

Correction: "screen resolution", with compression selected. (not "screen

There should be a slider that lets one set the level of compression, with a
realtime preview!

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