picture extending over the whole page / floating text


Matthias Grau


I am trying to insert a picture in a word doc that is as large as my
page and would like to have the text floating around that picture
(from previous to next page). This works as long as the picture is
small enough that there is at least one line of text on the same page.
Otherwise the picture moves with the text.

Neither position frames nor text fields seem to be capable to provide
what I want.

Is there any idea how I can manage to get text floating around large


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Word does not permit page-sized wrapped graphics. As you have surmised, each
drawing object must be anchored to a text paragraph on the same page.

Andre Da Costa

Well, there are a number of options, you could type the text in the "Header
and Footer" boxes, which can be enabled from the "View Menu". So the image
would still be as big as the page. You could also select from the "Picture",
tool bar, the "Text Wrapping" options and select a desired procedure to have
the image floating around the text or Top and Bottom.

Other wise, its not possible without resizing the image to respectable size
for text to float around.

Andre Da Costa
Jamaica W.I.

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