Picture field



I have made a test access database with 2 fields: Name=Text Picture=Oleobj.
When I insert pictures in the ole-field, I can see that the field is called
"Microsoft Photo editor 3.0 Foto. I have connected this database to a
delphiprogram with a connectionstring, and it don't work. in the picturefield
i see nothing. Now I have recieved a test access database from a company
called DevExpress. This company makes delphicomponents. The picturefield in
this database, is in designmode defined as mine "Oleobject", but when I look
in the datatable, the field is called "blob" Binary large Object, and when I
use this database, I get the picture in my delphiprogram. Can anyone tell my
how can I get my database picturefield to be a Blob-field ???

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