Picture Formats After Reinstall In Publisher



I had to reinstall Publisher and now that I have, the pictures formats that I
use on my computer are not availabe in the "List file types" when I try to
double click and insert an image after creating an image box. I need .jpg.
gif and .bmp but only show metafiles, wordperfect graphic and pc paintbrush
import. Even under the "show all file types" heading, I cannot insert .jpg,
..bmp, or .gif files types. What should I do.

Mary Sauer

Could be your filters are missing or were corrupt and the re-install didn't overwrite
Rename the graphic filters and drag new ones from the setup disk.
The filters are in folder similar to this:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Grphflt

When you right-click a .gif, properties, what program opens the image? Previously
what program opened these files?

Mary Sauer

If you are trying to insert from the Internet, your cache maybe full, in the Internet
Explorer, tools, Internet options, delete files.


Thanks for the help, I will attempt what you suggested. I have a program
called ULEAD PHOTOIMPACT that I've used for years that opens .gif, .jpg and
..bmp images. All other programs are working ok and I can view the images in
other programs, I just can't use them in Publisher (which I use all the time
for many projects).



I did what you suggested but it did not work. I am trying to insert images
into Publisher from folders on my hard drive and still Publisher will not
recognize bitmapped type images. Any other ideas??


Mary Sauer

Right-click the image, properties, what association does the bitmap have, what opens
it? Can you drag and drop into Publisher?


When I right click a .bmp, .jpg, or .gif file, they open with a image viewer
called ULead Photo Impact. I've had that program installed for many years and
it's always been ok. I can also still view the files from Photo Impact. I
cannot load images into Publisher pages and I cannot drag the image in from
another file. Something is really crazy with Publisher. Any ideas?



I am using Publisher 98 and Windows XP. I could not find detect and repair
under help so I went to the Microsoft site and did the update registry
function. I then restarted the computer and am still unable to import any
bitmapped images from my hard drive into the Publisher program. I did clear
the internet cache as you suggeusted but still no success.


Mary Sauer

Jeff, Are you still using ULead to view your images? Could be ULead is not opening
these images properly or just may not be compatible with XP. Associate the images
with a different program, maybe Windows Picture and Fax Viewer or the Irfanview link
I suggested in an earlier post.


I did associate the files with WIndows Picture & Fax viewer several days ago
as you suggested and that did not work. I have also since removed ULEAD from
my hard drive (I have been using Ulead with Win XP for over two years witout
any problems). I still cannot get the options of importing .jpg,. bmp, or .
gif files in Publisher. When I make ax image box and then double click it to
insert an image, the "Insert Picture File" box opens and from the "Files Of
Type" drop down menu, the bitmapped image file types are no longer available
in the menu. I have been using this program for many years and has always
been ok. Now since having to reinstall my Operating System and then Publisher
98, it no longer works.

Mary Sauer

Did you rename the graphics filters to old and replace them? Re-installing doesn't
mean they will be overwritten. Does the Clip Gallery work okay? Can you insert a
bitmap from the Gallery? Try inserting a photo from the Gallery, could be this will
set the filters.
How about your video driver, is it current? Did you upgrade your printer driver?
Publisher saves all this information within each publication.
When you open Publisher, turn off the detailed display, if it is a video issue, the
picture will might import, you just won't be able to see it.
Slide the acceleration down on your adapter, control panel, display folder, settings
tab, advance button, troubleshoot tab.
I'm inclined to believe your filters are faulty in the Office folder. If these images
open okay in a viewer, they should import okay into Publisher. Did you try the drag
and drop?
It could be a security issue. Disable your anti-virus software before opening
Publisher. Memory-resident programs or TSR (terminate-and-stay-resident) utilities
can conflict with the installation or usage of Microsoft Publisher.
Change the compatibility, right-click Publisher, compatibility tab...

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