Picture in excel Help



Ok I am scanning a picture into excel (It is a Blank form) I use Office 2000 and after the picture shows up it looks good and all but now I need to send it to the back so that I can use the cells located behind the form. I have tried every thing I know and cannot get it to go behind the cells so I can use them and set them up on the form. Is there a way to do this so that the form will print along with any information that is entered into the cells. I am trying to make a template so that information can be entered into the new document created from the template.

Any help at all would be useful

Thank you for your help



How about inserting the picture as a background to your

Format --> Sheet --> background --> locate the picture

Doing it this way would mean that you have to limit your
worksheet to the size of the form (delete extra rows and


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