Picture Load in Image Control



Hi all, In Path "C:\My Documents\Pictures\" I have four pictures with
the name "My Pic 1.bmp" to "My Pic 4.bmp" I got "Image control" and
two command buttons with the caption "Next" and "Previous" on my
worksheet. I need two macros assigned to both buttons "Next" and
"Previous". I want macro to display picture in image control from
path "C\My Documents\Pictures\" when i click button "Next" and macro
should display next picture every time when i click button "Next". I
assume you might have gussed from my question that what kind of macro
i need for button "Previous". Yes i need macro to display pictures
backword like 4,3,2,1 when i click button "Previous". Both macro
should stop doing any thing when last picture is displayed like in
button "Next" case it will be "My Pic 4.bmp" and in button "Previous"
case it will be "My Pic 1.bmp". I will be greateful if any friend can
help me.

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