Picture Manager slide show: sorting on date



My camera pictures are in a folder, arranged after "Date taken".
When I do a slide show the pictures are not shoved in this order, but in
order of the name of the picture.
I have checked the "Date Taken" in the "Choose detail" box.
How do i do a slide show showing the pictures in "Date taken" order - not in
"File name" order?

Bob I

Prepend thr current file name with a 3digit number starting with 000 and
work toward 999. That will handle 1000 pictures. If you have more than
that, then use 4 digits instead (0000)


Thanks a lot Bob I, I'm sure it works.
But it implies a huge amount of work, namely renaming every file, and it is
only a work around.
I dare to say that all microsoft picture showing products fail here: no
matter what product (e.g. picture manager) it shows the pictures in order of
file name, disregarding the pictures are arranged by "date taken".
Any comments on this problem?

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Niller,

Are you using MS Office Picture Manager or just the Picture Tasks in Windows Explorer in a Folder tha has the properties set as a
Photo Album?

In Windows (XP) Explorer if I'm in detail view and select Picture Taken as the order for View Icons and then click on a picture and
start a Slide show it does follow that selected sequence as does the Filmstrip view.

In MS Office Picture Manager in the View menu the filmstrip follows the 'Sort By' choice, which doesn't, unfortunately, have quite
as much flexibility as far as what folder properties are offered for sorting.

Thanks a lot Bob I, I'm sure it works.
But it implies a huge amount of work, namely renaming every file, and it is
only a work around.
I dare to say that all microsoft picture showing products fail here: no
matter what product (e.g. picture manager) it shows the pictures in order of
file name, disregarding the pictures are arranged by "date taken".
Any comments on this problem? >>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Bob I

I'm sorry, I was answering the question of forcing the images to be
displayed in the order the user desired IF the software is hard coded to
sort by name. As for Slide show, Microsoft Office Picture Manager
doesn't have a Slide show, only film strip. If that is what you are
talking about, simply click View, Sort by, Date. I see no problem to
comment on.


Hi Bob,

thanks for getting into the problem, but I'm still not getting it right.
I open windows explore and go to the folder with my pictures. The folder is
set to Photoalbum, all detailes (e.g. Date Taken) are checked, and Sort is
set to Date Taken.

Shown in the explorer, everything is OK including the sort. So far so good.
Now I would like to to a slide show which is not possibel directly from the
explorer, so I dubbelclick on the the first picture which opens with my
preferred program set to (e.g.) Window Picture and Fax Viewer.
Here I click on the slide show icon, and the slide show shows the pictures
in an odd order. This is my problem.
I investigated the order and it seems that the first picture (the one I
clicked on) displays correctly, so do the following pictures as long as the
picture names (e.g. abcdef.jpg) continus in an alphabetic order. The first
time there is a jump in the alphabetic order the slide show changes to show
the pictures in alphabetic order order.
Exampel: Picture 1 is called a.jpg and taken at hour1, picture 2 is called
c.jpg and taken at hour 2 and picture 3 is called b.jpg and taken at hour3.
The explorer shows the pictures in the correct order: Picture 1,2,3 but the
slide show displays in this order: picture 1,3,2

I also do get this result when the folder is arranged in detailed view as
you suggest.

The Microsoft Office Picture Manager do the same when you manually clics
through the folder (no slide show in this program).

Opening the Picture Manger and selecting the pictures from here seem not to
be a good idea, I get another undesired result. Here the pictures a displayed
in order of "Last Changed" - not Date Taken".

Hope I manged to express myself clearly.
Since you make it work, I must have missed a setting or some understanding.


Bob I

Yes, now I see where the problem is, you are talking about features of
the Operating system verses features of the image file. The File system
itself has Date created and Date modified while the picture file itself
holds the camera properties such as "Date taken" and the Photo Manager
only allows for "Date modified", "File Name", "File Size" and "File
Type" as Sort parameters. Picture Manager does not support "sorting" by
the Camera Properties and that is what you wish to use. So the answer is
that you may "adjust" the files so an available parameter can be used,
or you may use a different software that supports sorting by the
parameter that you wish to use.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Niller,

You should be able to run the slide show from Windows (XP) Explorer.

If you have a folder where you've customized the properties to a 'Photo Album' file type, with the folder open turn off the Explorer
toolbar button for 'folders' so that you get the 'Picture Tasks' control panel rather than the folder display.

The 'Filmstrip' in Windows Explorer is Picture and Fax Viewer and should follow the same sequence as the folder from where you're
activating it starting with the currently selected picture.

As Bob I points out, there isn't a choice for 'other' columns built into the Office Picture Manager.

You may also find useful one of the third party products, such as donation-ware, http://irfanview.com

Hi Bob,

thanks for getting into the problem, but I'm still not getting it right.
I open windows explore and go to the folder with my pictures. The folder is
set to Photoalbum, all detailes (e.g. Date Taken) are checked, and Sort is
set to Date Taken.

Shown in the explorer, everything is OK including the sort. So far so good.
Now I would like to to a slide show which is not possibel directly from the
explorer, so I dubbelclick on the the first picture which opens with my
preferred program set to (e.g.) Window Picture and Fax Viewer.
Here I click on the slide show icon, and the slide show shows the pictures
in an odd order. This is my problem.
I investigated the order and it seems that the first picture (the one I
clicked on) displays correctly, so do the following pictures as long as the
picture names (e.g. abcdef.jpg) continus in an alphabetic order. The first
time there is a jump in the alphabetic order the slide show changes to show
the pictures in alphabetic order order.
Exampel: Picture 1 is called a.jpg and taken at hour1, picture 2 is called
c.jpg and taken at hour 2 and picture 3 is called b.jpg and taken at hour3.
The explorer shows the pictures in the correct order: Picture 1,2,3 but the
slide show displays in this order: picture 1,3,2

I also do get this result when the folder is arranged in detailed view as
you suggest.

The Microsoft Office Picture Manager do the same when you manually clics
through the folder (no slide show in this program).

Opening the Picture Manger and selecting the pictures from here seem not to
be a good idea, I get another undesired result. Here the pictures a displayed
in order of "Last Changed" - not Date Taken".

Hope I manged to express myself clearly.
Since you make it work, I must have missed a setting or some understanding.

Niller >>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*


OK. Thanks for telling why. It was not easy to reconise this, as 3 different
ways of showing pictures are involved. First the explorer which obviously
does look at the picture information (alle the clickboxes in "Chose details"
are picture information) and shows the pictures just as I like, when sorting
is "Date taken". Then the two dedicated picture programs which only looks at
Operation System information, one at "Created" and the other at "Changed".

Is there anywhere I can suggest to Microsoft, to have their picture
programes look at picture information? Reason: showing slide shows of any
event should be possibeld to do in the same order the pictures were taken.
Commen use of digital cameras implies that a lot of pictures are taken over a
period, where pictures are judged and some erased every day. The camera (at
least my Lumix FZ5) reuses picturenames of deleted pictures for new pictures.
So the picture names are not automatically ordered by time. When I transfere
pictures from camera to computer, the "Created" time for each picture looks
rather random.

I see i need a special program to do this - maybe the forum also is for
questions like a recommendation of such a program?


Bob I

This "forum" is actually only a user-to-user public newsgroup. You are
just accessing it through a web interface. As for the expanded
capablities you desire, perhaps they aready exist in the Vista OS, I
don't know. If you were using the latest OS and software and they don't
exist, then making a suggestion to Microsoft would make sense.


Hi Bob Bucland

Wow - this did the job. Thanks for letting me know how to use the explorer
to get my desired results!!! I'm greatful.

The irfanview program is familiar to me, but it seems to me, that it works
the same way as the MS picture products: Sorting when viewing a slide show
can only be done on the Operating System time stamp, not the picture time
stamp. Though, the program has the possibility to 100% cusomize the order of
pictures shown in a slide show without renaming them.

Niels Jarnum

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