Picture Manager:Unwanted pics show in filmstrip view when copying or emailing.



When copying or emailing a single pic unwanted pics are visible i
Microsoft Office Picture Manager

As a workaround how can I open, copy or email pictures without using M
Picture Manager

Mary Sauer

In Outlook, click the paper clip icon (attach file), browse to the picture.
There is no reason to use the Picture Manager to send pictures unless you find
it more convenient.


Thanks Mary
My pictures always open or attach to emails with Picture Manager whic
seems to show several old pictures as well as the one picture that
attempt to send

Beth Melton

If you are referring to what you see when you view an image, rather than
images you see in the physical email, then this is expected behavior. What
you're seeing is photos in the same folder as the attached photo. For
example if you are viewing the image directly from the attachment you're
likely seeing other images in your Temporary Internet files folder.

IOW, the only images attached to the email are those you see in the email,
not what you see in the Picture Manager.

~Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

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