picture no showing



I am using publisher 2003. I have a problem with my pictures showing up on my
website. Everything else seems to work properly minus a few links, that I can
deal with and fix. But my pictures are not showing up on the site, and lucky
for me that is what most of the website is. I could not log onto my ftp site.
So the help line at my provider told me to cut and paste them. Only problem
is the picture folders are there but the site seems not to know what to do
with them. I have called microsoft, dell, and bought a book. Nothing has
helped me. Do I need to get a program that can help me transfer the files,
because I can't seem to get onto my ftp site using publisher. The internet
provider I am using Verizon says they want me to use frontpage but I have
already sunk a lot of time into this.


Virginia, Do you get a red X across where the pictures should be, or do they
just take a long time to load? Pub 2003 is really sloooooow loading,
especially if you are using a dial up connection.

No, you do not need a different program to transfer the files. You just need
to review the proper way of publishing your site. Here are some links about
publishing your site:


Follow the links to the articles listed here:

Also read the article about compressing your pictures. This might help the
images to load more quickly.

Also refer to the FAQ:

HTH DavidF


Did it occur to any of the bright folks at M$ that many folks are still stuck
with dialup connections? How could they possibly sell a piece of software that
creates websites that work so slowly with dialup connections and which is not
compatible with other browsers? The browser compatibility issue is interesting
given the Consent Decree in their previous federal litigation.


Hey Syd, You won't get any argument from me. That's why, like you, I still
use Pub 2000.



No I do not have dial up, yes I have a red x that appears instead of the
picture. I have already read everything on your web site. I did that before
even posting this question. Everytime I try to publish it through the
publisher 2003 and I put in my ftp address and password it comes up with an
error telling me it cannot connect to the ftp server. I have turned all my
firewalls off. Still message appears. This is why I just did the cut and



The website I sent you to is not mine, but it does usually offer answers to
most questions about building a website with Publisher. The fact that you
have a red x instead of a picture would indicate that you are not getting
the images to the site...or they are loaded in the wrong location.

The following FAQ seems most likely to apply to your situation:

Q. I uploaded my web site and... my links don't work AND/OR I have no
graphics AND/OR only my home page is there.
A. Did you fail to upload the sub-folder? Version 2002 introduced an
optional sub-folder that gets used by default. As of version 2002 the
sub-folder contains all files EXCEPT for the home page (page 1 of the
publication). You'll get these issues if the sub-folder is not published (or
is published in the wrong location). I recommend that Publisher be used for
uploading instead of a 3rd party upload client, because doing so will ensure
that the site files are correctly published. Optionally you can opt to not
use the sub-folder feature, toggle the option off in Tools, Options, and
then save and publish again.

I would also ask, how did you publish your site to begin with? What are you
doing different now? Perhaps you are not using the correct login address and
password... Cut and paste does not make sense to me at all, but then I am
not an expert. Perhaps post the URL of your site so someone else can help
troubleshoot your issue. David Bartosik, the resident expert, will
eventually come back with better advice than I can give. In the meantime,
though you have apparently read everything, go back and read the articles on
publishing again, and work through it again:

Sorry I can't be of more help.



You might also download and use CuteFTP or some other FTP client, and try
publishing that way. This will likely corrupt any forms that require
FrontPage extensions, but you might have better luck.


Brian Kvalheim [MSFT MVP]

Did it occur to any of the bright folks at M$ that many folks are
still stuck with dialup connections? How could they possibly sell a
piece of software that creates websites that work so slowly with
dialup connections and which is not compatible with other browsers?
The browser compatibility issue is interesting given the Consent
Decree in their previous federal litigation.

How is that lawsuit going?
Brian Kvalheim
Microsoft Publisher MVP

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and
confers no rights.

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