Picture placement Word 2002



I have created a very long document using about 15 files
linked through a master document. The document contains
many pictures. I first tried inserting the pictures in the
individual documents and selecting locking and/or move
with text but they moved once the master document was
expanded. I am now working with the master document
explanded. Most of the pictures need to have Top and
Bottom placement. If I try to adjust the placement by
dragging or through format picture, the picture jumps to a
new location. After several attempts to adjust the picture
placement, the picture appears on top of or behind the
text. The format picture dialog box still shows the
picture placement is top and bottom. I have found no way
to reverse short of deleting the picture and starting
over. If I succeeded in placing a picture, save the
document then reopen, the picture has moved. Secondly, I
have inserted captions or text boxes to identify the
pictures. It is next to impossible to keep the
caption/text box with the picture. With past versions of
Word, I grouped the picture and text box then placed. Now
if I group them together the format becomes In Front of
Text or Behind Text and cannot be changed. I have been
struggling with this document for 3 weeks without
success. Help!

David W.

We placed our pictures and text in tables to keep them
in a fixed position for our recent product catalog. It still
takes some trial & error, but it worked for us.


The picture is, if not in-line, hooked to an anchor which
CAN move with the text, but must not.

Use "Display all" and click on a picture to the the anchor
(View Print Layout is best).

Go to "Format picture -> Layout -> Advanced -> Picture

In the "Options" sections play with the settings and find
out what suits you best.

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