Hi J.P.,
The Picture Quick Style gallery is one that is preset by Microsoft and isn't selectable in the Building Blocks organizer for
You can create a Picture style by using a workaround method.
Start with either Insert Picture and choose a picture that will be a placeholder for future use, or Start with Insert=>Shape.
1. If you start with Insert=>Shape then
Select, in your document, the inserted shape, right click on it and use cut, then Home=>Paste Special and choose one of the picture
choices, such as EMF or PNG.
2. Select the shape or picture and use the Picture=>Tools=>Format tab to change the Picture shape, Picture border (choose a theme
color to keep the item themeable) and Picture effects you want then with the shape/picture still selected use
Insert=>Quickparts=>Save Selection.
3. To save this as a model choose one of the 'Custom' gallery names from the dropdown, and create a category for that gallery such
as 'Picture Styles', add your description and insert behavior and the template you want to save it in.
4. Right click the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT), choose customize and add that Gallery to the QAT.
The difference in useage (as long as this is a 'floating' graphic is that instead of inserting a picture then applying the quick
style is that you insert your Custom Picture Style, then right click and choose 'Change Picture'. You can also swith picture styles
to one of the other presets, but you can't apply one of your created Picture Styles from your custom gallery as these replace both
content and appearance (although it would likely be doable with a macro).
How can I create my own Picture Quick Styles in Word2007?
JP >>
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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