Picture Resolution in FP2002



I used Publisher 2000 before and the pictures were never
in a good resolution. Does FP2002 addresses this
problem? Also, in Publisher 2000 the titles looked like
they were made by amature. Does FP2002 have
professionally looking large fonts?

Very Joyful \(Victoria\)

To get good looking images you should edit them in an image editor before
importing them to Frontpage (or Publisher for that matter).

As far as large fonts looking amateurish... that's up to you. Large text in
a straight line is generally going to look plain and perhaps amateurish no
matter what software you use. Note that you are limited to what fonts the
website visitor has on his/her computer. If you want great looking titles,
you're going to need to make an image and insert that instead of using text.

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