Got an interesting probem. If I insert a picture, or make Wordart when I
paste the picture it doesnt show up. I go to reading layout and then go back
to print layout the graphics shows right up. I can scroll anywhere, and the
picture (or word art) disappears and will not show up until I go back to the
reading layout view, and then to print layout and it comes back. It doesnt
seem to lag at all either. I did all the stuff that the website said and no
Thanks in advance
Got an interesting probem. If I insert a picture, or make Wordart when I
paste the picture it doesnt show up. I go to reading layout and then go back
to print layout the graphics shows right up. I can scroll anywhere, and the
picture (or word art) disappears and will not show up until I go back to the
reading layout view, and then to print layout and it comes back. It doesnt
seem to lag at all either. I did all the stuff that the website said and no
Thanks in advance