Picture size change



Hi all. I'm using Excel v. X (service release 1) with OS 10.3.9.

I'm using Excel for a photo research project. Basically each row is a
small photo with several columns of information about the photo.

When I insert a photo into a cell it is formatted as "Move but don't
size with cells."

However, I have noted on a number of occasions that when I insert a row
above a row with existing content, the height of the photo in the row
(and sometimes the row after that, too) stretches out to match the
total height of the row (which is usually taller than the original
photo because of the text).

It's not a crisis because this informal database is only for my own
reference. But it shouldn't be doing this, right? It's acting as though
its property were "Move and size with cells," I suspect.

The most annoying thing is that "undo" doesn't change the size of the
image back; it only removes the inserted row.

If it helps to answer the question, these are .jpegs that are inserted
using the "insert picture from file" command; when they are originally
inserted they are larger, and I have to resize them to the approximate
height of the row.


As I look at the worksheet, this might also have something to do with
merged cells: I have an arrangement like this

photo text text text text
text photo text text text text
photo text text text text

where the first column is 3 cells merged to one.

JE McGimpsey

When I insert a photo into a cell it is formatted as "Move but don't
size with cells."

However, I have noted on a number of occasions that when I insert a row
above a row with existing content, the height of the photo in the row
(and sometimes the row after that, too) stretches out to match the
total height of the row (which is usually taller than the original
photo because of the text).

It's not a crisis because this informal database is only for my own
reference. But it shouldn't be doing this, right? It's acting as though
its property were "Move and size with cells," I suspect.

You're right that the picture should not be resized. I couldn't
reproduce that behavior in XL04 or XLv.X, so I'm not sure what's going

Note that you really don't "insert a photo into a cell" - the photo sits
in the Drawing Layer on top of the cells, so there may be some subtle
interaction there that I haven't seen.

Does this happen with any workbook, or just the one? Do any of the other
picture settings seem to matter (e.g., Fill or Line set? Lock aspect
ratio? etc.)?


Yes, I understand that the photo isn't actually "inserted" in the cell.

It may not be with all workbooks but it is defintely more than one.
It's a behavior I can' reproduce upon demand but it happens enough to
be a bother. Oh well, I'll just have to live with it. I've tried
varying properties to no avail. It seems that when the behavior
happens, it changes the height of the image to 75% of the original
(when it was in most cases 30-40% of original).

thanks anyway for the response.

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