Picture Tools - Reflection Variations Options


Avid Gardener

In Picture Effects, reflection variations have options for reflections
"touching", reflections with a "4 pt offset", and reflections with an "8 pt
offset". How can the offset be changed/increased to a larger offset amount?
This formatting is needed to position the reflection further away from the
actual picture than the largest option provided of 8 pt offset.

Jay Freedman

Avid said:
In Picture Effects, reflection variations have options for reflections
"touching", reflections with a "4 pt offset", and reflections with an
"8 pt offset". How can the offset be changed/increased to a larger
offset amount? This formatting is needed to position the reflection
further away from the actual picture than the largest option provided
of 8 pt offset.

That's all Word can do. For any other offset, you need to take the picture
into a graphics program, add the reflection where you want it, and save the
whole thing as a single file that you can then insert in Word.

I suggest Paint.NET (www.getpaint.net), which is a free open-source
imitation of PhotoShop.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
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