Pictures and Background


Sage Morales

Hello there,

Is there any way to place a picture with a transparency definition set by a
photo paint program on a form on Access 2003 so that the text boxes and
label are in front of the picture placed. Sort of like a watermark picture
behind the controls in the form.


John Parkinson


In the form design view, double click on the gray button
at the upper left hand corner of the form. This will
display the form properties. Scroll down to 'Picture'
click in the blank box and then the '...' box to the
right. Browse to the folder of you image location.

That's it.


Wayne Morgan

Go to the Form's Properties sheet. On the Format tab, scroll down to
Picture. Select the picture you want by pressing the ... button and
browsing. You may also want to set Picture Type, Picture Size Mode, Picture
Alignment, and Picture Tiling.

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