Pictures and Line Spacing


Desperate Dan

It seems that if the line spacing of a paragraph style is changed from the
default to (say) Exactly x (x in this case being 14 pt.) all existing and
newly inserted pictures become transparent and shift position. Is this a
known "feature" and does anyone know of a work-around apart from the obvious
one of having a paragraph style especially for pictures?

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Dan,

What version of Word are you using?
What view are you in?
How are you inserting the pictures?
What format/type are the pictures?

If you have the pictures set as 'Inline' Text wrapping, they are treated as extra large typed characters and changing line height
can definitely change their appearance, but transparency shouldn't change due to a style change that is applied just to the text.

Do you have steps that can reproduce this in a new document?
It seems that if the line spacing of a paragraph style is changed from the
default to (say) Exactly x (x in this case being 14 pt.) all existing and
newly inserted pictures become transparent and shift position. Is this a
known "feature" and does anyone know of a work-around apart from the obvious
one of having a paragraph style especially for pictures?
Long-time Word user. <<

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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