Hang on, TF. Turnipseed is the one with the graphics card issue. I am not able to see any pics at all, just as I said originally,
even for a second. I can only see an outline and it isn't because of the placeholder settings. I checked the most obvious things
before posting. Also, I think I mentioned that I can paste and view pics into Excel, Publisher, etc. just fine, but not Word. I
still have the problem and am considering using the repair utility from the install disk. Any other ideas?
Thanks !!
"TF" <terryfarrell%40%6d%73%6e%2ecom> wrote in message Well until now, no one has mentioned that the pictures are visible for a
short while and then disappear. That's a significant difference from saying
that all you see is an outline!
This is caused by a bad graphics driver that is unable to refresh the
overlay mode (in Word, that is the graphics layer) correctly. Both Intel
(the 915 chipset using the Intel GMA900 PCI-E controller) and ATI have
posted new drivers on their sites that resolves the problem.
: Following the course of action in the post referenced in my last did not
: solve my problem, but it is on the right track and might work for others.
: After updating my video card driver, I still encountered the same problem.
: However, this prompted me to take a closer look at the video card as the
: source of the problem. Brought up the hardware acceleration
: dialog by right-clicking on the desktop and choosing PROPERTIES | SETTINGS
: Tab | ADVANCED Button | TROUBLESHOOT Tab and proceeded to decrease the
: hardware acceleration incrementally (move slider one notch to the left and
: click apply). Each time, I tried my document again and found that it
: working normally when the slider was set on the third notch from the left.
: My card is an ATI Radeon 9600 Pro 256MB. I hope this info is helpful.
: "D. Turnipseed" wrote:
: > That wasn't it. I'm running version (11.5604.5606) now and there's no
: > difference in behavior. There was another post
: >
that looks like it might address this issue.
: >
: > "D. Turnipseed" wrote:
: >
: > > I am having a similar problem and have not found a solution to it yet,
but I
: > > have observed some things that may be helpful.
: > > First check if our symptoms match up more or less:
: > > I put in pictures or autoshapes and, while they appear for a time,
: > > disappear when I scroll them off the screen and scroll back to them,
or when
: > > I slide a window over the top of the Word window -- it's almost as if
: > > document doesn't refresh these objects. I can actually move another
: > > part way over the object and move it away, and it's as if I have
erased part
: > > of the object. If I cover the whole object with that window, then
after that
: > > all I see is the text of the document (object disappears). The
: > > autoshapes/drawings are still present, but they are only visible in
: > > preview, or when I click on them and choose a tool like the crop tool
: > > the drawing toolbar. I've found that I can also view then for a time
if I
: > > right-click on one of them and choose ORDER | BRING TO FRONT or BRING
: > > FRONT OF TEXT. Just as you mentioned, if I click the location where
: > > objects are supposed to be, I can see their frames, but the desired
: > > are not visible. Do you experience similar behavior, or do your
objects ever
: > > reappear?
: > > Here's what I suspect my problems is:
: > > I have a second installation on my laptop and I don't have this
problem at
: > > all. I have not updated that version for some time, but I have all of
: > > latest updates on this installation (desktop computer). I suspect
this might
: > > have something to do with it, but I don't have time to uninstall and
: > > reinstall to an unpatched version right now to find out. I was hoping
: > > come out here and find a quick answer, but even Google hasn't turned
: > > anything on this one. If you have time to devote to such an
: > > perhaps you could investigate on your own -- that is, if you have
: > > your Office installation. If you were to reinstall and leave the
: > > installation unpatched to verify whether the behavior persists, at
least you
: > > could rule out the possibility that this behavior was brought on by a
: > > You could then patch your system incrementally to try and isolate
which patch
: > > caused the problem (you should be able to go to Service Pack 1 with no
: > > problems).
: > > I brought up my laptop to verify that the versions were different, and
: > > are. The version on my laptop is (11.6359.6360) SP1 and the version
: > > on my desktop is (11.6502.6408) SP1. I wish I had used my desktop
: > > installation a little more before I had patched it so that I could
tell you
: > > for sure that updating was the source of my problem. Maybe Microsoft
: > > actually pay you for beta-testing their product for them

: > > This has got me curious now. Perhaps I will reinstall on my desktop
and use
: > > my laptop while I wait. I will report back later.
: > >
: > > D. Turnipseed
: > > Microsoft Frustrated User MSGRRRR
: > >
: > > "R. Choate" wrote:
: > >
: > > > I had already checked those settings and they were already set as
you suggested.
: > > > --
: > > > RMC,CPA
: > > >
: > > >
: > > > In Tools > Options > View, clear the checkbox for "Picture
: > > > Further down in the same dialog, make sure "Drawings" is checked.
: > > >
: > > > --
: > > > Regards,
: > > > Jay Freedman
: > > > Microsoft Word MVP
: > > >
: > > > R. Choate wrote:
: > > > > When I paste pictures of any kind into Word, it only shows me a
: > > > > border that indicates the size of the picture, not the pic itself.
: > > > > When I move the cursor away from the newly pasted invisible
: > > > > the border also becomes invisible. I've had this copy of Word for
: > > > > long time (version XP) and it did not used to do this. I can't
: > > > > any settings which would affect this. How can I fix this?
: > > > >
: > > > > PS: The pictures do show up in Excel or any other Office app, just
: > > > > not in Word.
: > > > >
: > > > > Thanks in advance. If I have posted to the wrong group, please
: > > > > my apology.
: > > >
: > > >
: > > >
: > > >