Pictures fail to display in Word XP 2002 on Toshiba Satalite M65-S


Chuck Shaw

Pictures (bmp's & jpg's) inserted into DOC file fail to display in any view
in Word XP 2002 SP3 on Toshiba M65-S821. The same pictures do display in
Excel and PowerPoint 2002 on the same laptop. The Word file (.DOC)
containing pictures displays and prints on other computers running XP and
Word XP 2002.

Word XP 2002 has been reinstalled on the laptop with the same results.

Thanks for any ideas!

Jay Freedman

On Wed, 11 Apr 2007 18:00:01 -0700, Chuck Shaw <Chuck
Pictures (bmp's & jpg's) inserted into DOC file fail to display in any view
in Word XP 2002 SP3 on Toshiba M65-S821. The same pictures do display in
Excel and PowerPoint 2002 on the same laptop. The Word file (.DOC)
containing pictures displays and prints on other computers running XP and
Word XP 2002.

Word XP 2002 has been reinstalled on the laptop with the same results.

Thanks for any ideas!

Try turning down the hardware acceleration in the video driver.

Start > Settings > Control Panel > Display > Settings > Advanced >
Troubleshoot. Move the slider toward the left. Check the pictures in
Word. Repeat until the pictures appear or the slider is all the way to
the left.

If that helps, then check the Toshiba site (or whoever makes their
video hardware) for an updated video driver.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.

Chuck Shaw

Thanks Jay! I tried that, but I didn't move it far enough to the left. I
really appreciate your help!





Your response to Chuck also helped me. But now I have a new problem. The
original size of my JPEG file is 260k, but when I insert it into Word XP
2002, the .doc file is 6.4 meg. At that rate, after I add another 3 -4
photos, the file will become unmanageable and will not be able to be
e-mailed. What's up?

Any help will be appreciated.



My fault. I was looking at file size under Properties rather than saved
file size.

Your suggestion to Chuck about changing acceleration speed really helped me.
How is any normal dweeb like me ever supposed to know something like that?
The joys of modern technology. Again, thanks.

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