Pictures from webcam



Hi, I have a database for custom parts, I need to take a picture of each part
and associate the picture with is corresponding record, I have 15 producion
lines and an a front end application controling the flow of each part, there
are a lot of parts (1000's each day) so linking one by one manually is just
no possible (and not every one could doit)
Is there a way to get the picture from the web cam an placed as an ole
object on the record using a command button? Or that by clicling the button
the image get stored on a folder, storing the reference path per each picture
with is corresponding record? I'm using SQL 2005 as the back end.

Your help is really apreciate. (I tried to use VideoCap Pro ACTIVEx cONTROL
but I haven't been able to ge it to work)

Jeff C

Jeff C
Live Well .. Be Happy In All You Do

IT-1957 said:
Hi, I have a database for custom parts, I need to take a picture of each part
and associate the picture with is corresponding record, I have 15 producion
lines and an a front end application controling the flow of each part, there
are a lot of parts (1000's each day) so linking one by one manually is just
no possible (and not every one could doit)

Is there a way to get the picture from the web cam an placed as an ole
object on the record using a command button? Or that by clicling the button
the image get stored on a folder, storing the reference path per each picture
with is corresponding record? I'm using SQL 2005 as the back end.

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