Pictures in Access form/report



I have finally figured out the instructions from on the
article ID 210100 from Aug. 11, 2005. Looked all over this site but everyone
was over my head on description and instructions for "New Access User"
section. I'm still trying to find answer to the rest of my problems. 1.) I
have the pictures changing with each record but have to enter same info on
some records as I need 3 pictures per client sometimes. How do I get more
than one picture - when needed- to the same location and on same record,
form, report....?? This is a db for water wells within our territory. Some
homes will have 1-4 water well at a location but one with different GPS
location yet client info is same. What do I need to do to get more than one
picture per page if needed? 2) Also I could not get the report section to
show the pictures (per article) since some fields reference the ones set up
on the form. Would appreciate your help or some type of direction. If you
need more info please let me know.

Bruce Meneghin

I'm assuming that if a client has 3 wells then there are three records, each
with the client ID and a different picture.

If this is so, then you should be able to create a Report, group by client,
and place the photos in the Details section of the report. The client name
would be placed in the Group section. you can set a page break on groups

Does this help?


Not sure, Right now when I go to my imput form, I have and image box next to
the imput information. I was trying to put 3 images on that form and only
when there are three would all show. May Boss was wanting everything on one
page. Then later she want all on CD.

Also new problem when I prent a report the picture will not print Image area
is blank. I've tried embedding the picture (not really wanting embedded) but
still will not print w/ picture on form.

Also would like to get away from typing path "C:\Documents and Settings
Sharlene\My Documents\My Pictures\SFN Water Wells\p.7403756" or what ever
picture is associated with the Last Name of the report. Did have ID # set
to Auto but other person in Office (who does know more of Access than me)
said not to do it that way. But she has no answers on this.

Everything looks good on the report and the input form not sure what to do
to get this to work correctly.
Here is what I done:

Table: tblImage
Field Name: ImageId
Data Type: AutoNumber (was told to change to number)
Indexed: Yes (No Duplicates)

Field Name: txtImageName
Data Type: Text

Table Properties: tblImage
I created a "NoPicture.BMP" file stored it at C:\Windows\NoPicture.bmp
Form: firmImage
Caption: Image Form
RecordSource: tblImage

Image Control
Name: ImageFrame
Picture: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Sharlene\My Documents\My Pictures\SFN
Water Wells\p7403756"

Text Box
Name: txtImageID
ControlSource: ImageID

Text Box
Name: txtImageName
Control Source: ImageName (column in tables for the "C:\ " crap)

Function setImagePath()
Dim strImagePath As String
On Error Goto PictureNotAvailable
strImagePath = Me.txtImageName
Me.ImageFrame.Picture = strImagePath
Exit Function
strImagePath = "C:\Windows\NoPicture.BMP"
Me.ImageFrame.Picture = StrImagePath
End Function

I set OnCurrent and AfterUpdate events to =setImagePath()

until I entered the above line picture stayed the same throughout each
record. It just took for ever to find the section "OnCurrent and

I really do appreciate all the help from this website. Still stuped on a
lot of it even after two courses thru the Tec colleges here. Thank You so
very much on the help.


Bruce, I guess I did not answer your question to well. I was trying to get
away from so many records for one client. That is what I have to do now with
each having a picture - different angles of the same well. If a client has 3
well all iformation is the same only the pictures are different, the reason
is probably for water elsewhere on the property for cattle or the old well
ran out of water. On occasion there is only one well location different (GPS
Coordinates) then I can see having a seperate record. I forgot to mention
after the picture number I also enter .jpg since that is the type of pictures
I have.


Would someone please give me some direction as how I can get the photos to
print on my report. I have search elsewhere on this site and found some
references but do not quite understand them. Please Help.

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