Pictures in Charts


C Steffee

I am using pictures as fill in my Excel charts. The problem I am having is that after I "Select" the picture in in the Fill Effects - Picture tab, the other options are not available. Ex: Format - Stretch and especially the Apply to - Sides - Front - End. I want the picture to be one continuous image and right now it is replicated on the sides

Without sending me code - obviously, I am not at that skill level - can anyone tell me how to fix my problem

Thanks in advance

Also if someone would answer Jen regarding the spot color in Excel - I would be really interested in that myself!!

Jon Peltier

There is no way to access the grayed out commands, manually or with
code. The programmers probably put them there for future use, and still
haven't gotten around to it.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

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